2021-07-09 Nerd Roundup!
Shrimp on cocaine, trout on meth, software development on formal methods, riding the hype cycle, and the internet is all one big hallucination, this week on Nerd Roundup!

James Grenning and Daniel Markham discuss tech news of the week, with special emphasis on joking around and having fun.

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2021-07-09 Nerd Roundup!

The U.S. Military is developing a pill that could delay aging | Will small molecule neutracuticals replace staring at goats? |
8 Lessons from 20 Years of Hype Cycles | There's a lot of counterinutitive goodness here |
Audacity 3.0 called spyware over data collection changes by new owner | New owners, new privacy policy. They own whatever they want and will sell it or give it away. If you're under 13 don't use it. Why would any of those new terms be appropriatre for an open-source free ubuntu tool? And so what if they don't actually have your email? |
Audacity sparks uproar over new data collection policy | Related: rebuttal. It's complicated. A fork is most likely going to happen. |
The Internet is Rotting | I was going to give this a title but I forgot. Seriously, the net forgetting things may be even worse than it remembering things forever. Never thought I'd say that! |
Where are we going from here? Software engineering needs formal methods | Yet another in an endless stream of pleas for software engineering to be more formal/professional. There's value in all of these pleas, but there's also a lot of misunderstanding of what the job actually is. |
I Will Never Use a Microsoft Account to Log Into My Own PC | You gotta be kidding me. But why, Microsoft? Why?!?!?? |
Feed me up, Scotty! | Needs regex. And bacon. I love this. Be cool if it were built-in to the browser or OS. It's a fundamental tool. Needs an open and free recipe trading system |
Kepler telescope glimpses population of free-floating planets | Kepler was not designed to use gravitationa lensing to study free-floating planets, but scientists were able to code up new algorithms to find them anyway. How many more could we find with a long-lasting dedicated mission? |
Methamphetamine in waterways may be turning trout into addicts | Czechoslovakian junkie trout, now in your neighborhood |
Write code that's easy to delete, not to extend | Instead of succeeding, how about not failing? Instead of writing long, extensible and easily-understandable code, how about writing snippets you can easily delete and replace, even if they are a bit harder to understand? How much traction would we get if we started looking at some of these things from the opposite angle? Why be perfectly right when it's easier and more productive to be frequently wrong with little negative impact? It should be impossible to crash your app, and easy to change it |
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