2021-07-23 Nerd Roundup
What more could one ask from a Nerd Roundup? New footage from the moon, optical recalibration, spintronicvs, protein folding advancements, Star Trek, and Pegasus.

Star Trek and God. The Metrons are a funny people. Also new footage from Apollo 11.

Bezos becomes first billionaire launched into space | We have to admit this because it's not going to go away: the rocket looks like a giant penis. Congratulations to Blue Origin for the launch. I wonder just how far behind Musk are those guys? |
Opening the gates to the next generation of information processing | Major advancement in protein structure prediction. Good example of Press Releases outpacing the audience's ability to consume. Best I can tell, this is part 1 of 2-4 parts necessary to take optical-quantum computing to the next level of scale. Might be wrong, though |
Balloon-borne telescope to rival Hubble | Seems lately like everybody's got something that'll beat Hubble. OBT = overtaken by technology |
Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware | From a text with no alert. Whoa. Nobody is really safe. We live in a completely open system where our best defense is being too small fry for anybody to notice or waste a possible disclosure on |
Police Destroy 1,069 Bitcoin Miners With Big Ass Steamroller In Malaysia | Holy cow! Cops with bulldozers! Coming after my graphics cards! |
Jet turbine-powered flying motorcycle which can travel 300 mph and has a price tag of $380,000 completes first flight testing | I would ride this. It's not too late to be thinking of Christmas gifts. |
Our universe might be a giant three-dimensional donut, really. | Donut. Perhaps we live in a sprinkle. |
No, the universe is probably not shaped like a donut | don't let them take our donut universe away from us! |
Megaverse: Simulating Embodied Agents at One Million Experiences per Second | Interesting discussion here about the embodiment theory of AI |
HN Discussion: No, we don't use kubernetes | Step 1: make something super complex. Step 2: wheenver anybody does anything close to that, claim that they're reinventing the wheel. Step 3: sell consulting and certifications. Step 4: Profit!! |
No we don't use kubernetes | Related: the article that kicked off the dicsussion |
Alpha Fold 2 paper is out | Has Google cracked protein folding in the general case using AI? Huh? |
Gene Roddenberry wrote a script where Captain Kirk fights Jesus | Captain Kirk versus Jesus! Woot! I like Kirk, but I'm going with Jesus on this one. |
What Buzz Alrdin saw just after he stepped on the moon. Reconstructed by reversing out the reflections in his visor from a movie taking by Neil Armstrong | This is the most freaking cool thing I've seen in a month or two. New footage from Apollo 11 moon landing. |
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more information on the importance of alpha fold 2 here: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/07/23/more-protein-folding-progress-whats-it-mean
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