2022-02-11 Nerd Roundup!
Another great roundup week with Jon Kern

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-02-11 Nerd Roundup!
HN Discussion: Thousands of Mazdas are stuck on one radio station | Nice example of hackers helping one another out. Also bad software, the curse of DRM, etc |
Rationality declined over the last decades | Jump to conclusions much? |
For some searches literally *the whole screen!!* on google is now ads. | Google doesn't conflate ads with search results, right? |
Inroducing the dialog element | Of a mixed mind about this. On one hand, it much more clearly states the purpose of the dom arrangement. On the other, it's yet another one of those re-labeling, layering "helps" we have come to expect so much. So now there'll be 14 versions of doing dialogs, including the official dialog element. I'm not so much a fan. (Although I grok the improvement and generally expect to like it) |
Quantum Holograms Don’t Even Need to “See” Their Subject New holographic technique could be used for indirect medical imaging and more | Wha? |
Inline Assembly in F# | Nice reminder that you can inline asm code in a lot of places you might not expect! |
HN runs on a single box | There's a lesson in cross-checking here for all web devs. It's not that you should run on minimum gear, it's that you should have a freaking good idea of the gap between what others with similar problems are using and what you're creating. Have good reasons for each step beyond minimum |
How to explain an idea | I like these meta consulting posts. Most aren't hitting on much, but some are quite good |
Human technology: Text Files | Great rant. If you're providing business value with only a few inputs and outputs, what in the living hell do you need a huge, strongly-typed program to do? (Cross checking yet again) |
Zero carb beer | Just in time for the superbowl, zero carb beer. How is that even possible? |
Octopuses Rolling on MDMA Reveal Unexpected Link to Humans | Both funny, serious, and nerdy |
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