2022-04-29 Nerd Roundup!
Lunar Lander for the web, the DSM-V, redefining the second, the birth of biocosmology and more this week.

James Grenning and Greg Young joined us this week. Aside from a bit of buzzing, the tech went off without a hitch and a good time was had by all.

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-04-29 Nerd Roundup!
Crypo hardware
A related Twitter poll he took |
From Greg: Been a few storeis about crypto hardware in the last few weeks. |
FontCode: embedding information in fonts
Related: Wiki on steganography |
Amazing. You can't tell. It's a form of steganography |
resumes are dangerous
HN discussion |
To GitHub or not to GitHub? |
Voxel based lunar lander in the browser | Speaking of showing off on GitHub, this is nice! Cool idea for a comeback project, bro! |
Mental disorders aren't diseases | Psychiatry, and by relation the various DSMs, have a bad epistemological/ontological problem. It classifies things by symptom, not cause. It's a dumb way of doing things and it looks like they can't stop doing it this way |
Humans in 3d wearing clothes | More 3d human guessing. |
Start with "who", not "why" | This essay, while not-so-good, led me to a nice Yoda-ism. Who will get you to why when the who is outside the team. Who will get you to how when the who is inside the team |
Get ready for the new, improved second | It's time 2.0 |
The most complex thing in the universe | This is good. Real good. Birth of a new science? Sign me up! |
Wisconsin man, woman electrocuted to death while trying 'highly dangerous' TikTok art trend
Perils of high voltage (video compilation) |
Some interesting science here. Also social media/tech connection |
Ingestible pill and app gives you realtime fart tracking | Why has this taken so long to be a thing? It's genius! |
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