2022-06-10 Nerd Roundup!
Darklang backend rewrite complete, trilobite cameras, code bloat, and more.

Great time this week! Thanks guys!

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-06-10 Nerd Roundup!
Code bloat has become astronomical | this was a good rant. Thanks to zess for the link. Also cross-checking is a skill we should be requiring every coder to deomnstrate daily. There is a secondary rant implied here about freely using tons of mutable and cross-dependent code that we do not understand and seemingly thinking that this is somehow normal for the job |
Special operations forces need AI that can explain its decisions, says military data chief | Yes. Yes. And More Yes. Now the rest of the world needs to catch up |
darklang backend rewrite complete | Woot! Way to go, guys! Been a fan for a long time! |
Trilobye camera has amazing depth-of-field | Trilobyte camera. What a cool name! |
Beyond our ‘ape-brained meat sacks’: can transhumanism save our species?
Related: this is something diego sent in: CNN reports on the Benjamin Button effect. Welcome to the future! |
Day-by-day there are all of these little changes. At some point, would most humans throughout history stop recognizing us as human? I don't see a bright line distinction as to when that happens |
C$ MModel
Original conversation |
Saw this mentioned on an HN comment "Why don't we use visualization tools on c ode more?" |
why EMACS has buffers
great HN discussion |
there are tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of users that pick up EMACS everyday and get value from it.many love it. that's a legacy 90% of programmers could only dream about. |
Benchmarking malloc with DOOM
also HN |
could be another case of the underlying system advancing to the point that higher level hack is no longer needed |
Untools | Nice collection of squishy tools I've used throughout the years. Could be a great resource |
Classified specs leak on the war thunder forum for the third time | Who needs Big Brother? |
GitHub user sends email to 400k+ users
HN discussion |
Oops? |
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