2022-06-17 Nerd Roundup!
It's Nerd Roundup!

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-06-17 Nerd Roundup!
Google engineer put on leave after making public announcement that AI was sentient
The funny version of the google ai story. Also another version of the story here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/11/google-ai-lamda-blake-lemoine/ |
Note: this is an engineer. And this is the tech we want to keep improving to convince people to do things, ie "help" them |
New CRISPR based map of the human genome
Original article from MIT |
Chaos engineering the human genome? Seriously? |
The Surreal Case Of A CIA Hacker's Revenge | Wild story. |
Can a Seattle Startup Launch a Fusion Reactor Into Space? Avalanche Energy Design’s compact power and propulsion tech raises funds—and eyebrows | Five years to fusion? Unlmiited power in space? Electrostatic confinement? Where did this come from? |
Why some developers don't believe in best practics | The eternal question |
Dark' black hole wandering the Milky Way may be the smallest yet detected | 100 million or more black holes in our own galaxy? That would be completely wild! |
Announcing Code Second Edition | Blast from the past. What a great book the first edition was in my career. |
NASA's plans after Apollo | For All Mankind is a must-watch for space nerds |
Illustrating the duality of closures and objects
Great lobsters discussion. Who can't not like "Greatest fixed point of a functor"? lol |
Like the old "It's just ones and zeroes" this is both a profound and facile concept. It's not that things are equivalent. Programming is an interactive experience, not a set of features stacked on top of math, although that's what it all is in the end. Topic alert: missing the point |
Phtotos of chickens, taken by chickens
LOL!!! |
Must include this story at all costs |
Saw this on a Ron Jeffries tweet, More info about how easily we want to see AI -- and who says its not | |
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