2022-06-24 Nerd Roundup!
Bananas and random numbers, Help Desk to anti-tank missiles, Web5, Silicon Photonics and more!

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-06-24 Nerd Roundup!

Will optics ever replace copper interconnects? We asked this silicon photonics startup | This is a reuccuring Nerd Roundup topic. Are we going to get R2D2 optics in computers anytime soon? |
Been there, done that | Really cool CLI tool, dude |
Jack Dorsey’s TBD Presents Bitcoin-Based Decentralized Web5 | Dag it! I had the Web5 idea first! |
Ukrainian Troops Have Nobody To Call To Troubleshoot Their Javelin Missiles | Worst tech support job ever. |
Mark When. Markdown for timelines | Very cool idea. We're seeing a ton of sueful markdown add-ons. At what point does it become too much? |
Robot Cooking With Stir-Fry: Bimanual Non-Prehensile Manipulation of Semi-Fluid Objects | We're going to end up with robots in the kitchen, and it's going to happen while nobody is looking. I'm seeing a lot of separate skills. Expect that to continue and slowly integrate until we get something like the roomba or ipod |
Generating true random numbers from bananas | Yes, yes. Nobody talks about the bananas, do they? Wonder why that is? |
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