2022-07-01 Nerd Roundup!
Free CRDT desktop tool, using math to spot liars, blood pressure tattoos, Mr. Fusion garage-sized reactors, and more

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-07-01 Nerd Roundup!
Say hi to Proteus, Amazon’s most advanced warehouse robot yet | Our future family kitchen robot still keeps coming! |
Yboard is a multiplayer desktop-like workspace based on CRDT (github.com/felipeleivav)
HN Discussion of CRDT decktop |
Way cool! Also check out the HN discussion |
Interesting Engineering: A magnet-free reactor that fits in a garage could provide limitless energy. | Is it too much to wonder where our Mr. Fusion is? |
ScienceAlert: New DNA Technology Is Shaking Up The Branches of The Evolutionary Tree. | Very cool discussion about creating onotologies. How do we type our variables? Decide whether to generalize or abstract or not? Etc |
How a New Mathematical Model Could Spot Liars | very cool. Roundup plus book research material Insane implied meaning if it's not hype |
First impressions of DALL-E, generating images from text | I have no idea if this is fun, stupid, scary, confusing, sad, or just reall weird. Probably all of that. But it bears being mentioned |
Blood Pressure E-Tattoo Promises Continuous, Mobile Monitoring | Many people have been waiting a long time for this. In the last year or two, we have been entering a new era of wearable medical telementry devices |
The Verge: Amazon shows off Alexa feature that mimics the voices of your dead relatives. | Grandpa? |
Optical microphone lets researchers see sound like nothing before
YouTube explanation |
We did the super simple version of this when we were spying on the Russians in the 50s. Some neat video/graphics action in the article links |
Watch the nuclear-powered flying hotel that can stay airborne for years with 5,000 passengers | Yay! Combines the best of Chernobyl, the Titanic, the Hinderberg, the Love Boat, and your local TravelLodge, all in one place! What's not to like? |
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