2022-10-07 Clean Code

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Blurbs From Around The Web

  • "...this book contains advice from wide range of authors on writing good maintainable code. Finally, I would also caution against using these practices mindlessly as another favorite rule of mine is that every practice or pattern depends on the situation. Unfortunately, there are lot of people in software industry including uncle bob who use these rules in draconian fashion such as always stressing on 100% test coverage or always keeping interfaces separate from implementation (DIP). Such advice may bring more money from consulting work or publication, but is disingenuous for practical use..."
  • "...This book has some great insight into how to create better code. The examples seem to be in Java but I think the concepts translate to most OO languages..."
  • "...even if it is not 100% correct -- few are -- do read this book. It's a really good one...I've been in the industry for 22+ years, but just started to reread this book. I consider it to be one of the top books _any_ software engineer, developer etc. should definitely read..."
  • "...As CTO of a software company I co-founded, I'm not only looking for books that help me improve individually, but also books that the whole development team – from developers to architects – may find useful. Robert C. Martin’s Clean Code does both, and, like the good code described therein, it’s well written, clear, and easy to read. Martin includes many helpful examples and his suggestions are applicable to any programming language..."
  • "...For the past few years I began to doubt whether my understanding of the craft was even correct anymore. So many code examples in so called expert books are untestable procedural junk I couldn't imagine what had happened. Design patterns and unit testing seem to have lost their place in the world. Servlet and JSP books have always been crap that way but now books on SOA and the like technologies are that kind of junk code...It was refreshing to find a book that emphasized the craft of coding - tests, reusability, comments, logging, decoupling, dependency injection, small methods, design patterns and so on. These aren't rocket science and they should be second nature to developers by now...I breathed a sigh of relief when I read this book..."
  • "...Many of the rules in this book are 80/20 kinds of rules that are expressed a bit like laws of gravity.  They're mostly all things that I agree with or agree with the rationale behind them, but I see obvious exceptions to them all the time, yet the author argues that you should always follow them..."
  • "...What I get from this book is a mindset or way of thinking about programming. To create code that is cohesive, is small, does not have unnecessary parts. When these principles are broken find a way to refactor or eliminate the additional pieces. It is not just about taking away or keeping code small but adopting a way of thinking about the design of the program and how each piece interacts with the other parts..."