2023-02-17 Roundup TLA+, system testing vs. acceptance testing, alien balloon attack, F# spreadsheet products, giant floatplanes, fighter plane history, Chinese attack squirrels arriving in balloons, and more
My Four Kinds Of Writing I think that personally understanding and using these four writing patterns can help. At least they've helped me.
Technology Has Lost Its Pragmatism So we have two questions here: One, how do we draw boundaries around our computer programs such that we minimize the risk of any one concept failing? Two, how do we define any one term such that it is impossible for there to be a misunderstanding or for the program to crash?
2023-02-10 Roundup Haskell, Category Theory, Falling out of love with programming, All Education is Bullshit, Gifted kids are special needs, and more this week.
2023-02-03 Roundup Erlang theory, Sky Yachting, my essay on how functional programming is a different kettle of fish, lots of AI news, UAPs and endless Seinfeld
No, It's Not All The Same My friend, your book premise is horribly whack, but good news: the details can stay the same as long as the reader understands that this is only Step One
The Biggest Problem In Real-World Computer Programming One-hundred years ago a logician pointed out that naming variables is hard. Programmers can (and must) fix this problem