Starting New Book: Functional Programming Smells
Starting on a new book project in July: Functional Programming Smells. Join along for the ride!

Code the best you can.
Learn and avoid code smells.
Teach yourself to be a better programmer.
Who Are You?
You build things. You solve problems using programming. You're a mid-level developer or better. You have experience in a couple or more programming languages, like C# and SQL, or Javascript and Java. The exact languages aren't important, but you need to have real-world experience using an Object-Oriented language, some exposure to other ways of using computer programming to solve problems. You need a desire to learn a functional programming language.
type ReadersAge = TooYoung | JustRight | TooOld;;
let you={|Name="GentleReader";Age=JustRight|};;
This book will be about helping you overcome the obstacles you might have in becoming an excellent functional programmer. When I started, these are the kinds of problems I had.
- I don't know where to get started
- I don't know which things to learn first
- I don't know what I'm looking at
- I don't know how to translate back and forth to OOP
- I don't know which classic coding smells to use
- I don't know which classic coding smells to modify for FP
- I don't know which new coding smells I should be looking for
- I don't know how to architect larger solutions
- I don't know how to work with people on larger projects
- I don't know which new superpowers I have gained
I will address each item in a chapter. Each item will have a list of smells, indications you may be experiencing this problem, alongside recommendations on how to prevent those smells fro recurring.
Standby for incoming fun!

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