open System
open System.Text
open FSharp.Collections
open System.Numerics
let srcNumberToTranslate=try Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[2] with |_ ->"0"
let srcNumberBase=try Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[3] with |_ -> "10"
let targetNumberBase=try Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[4] with |_ -> "10"
let isScientificNotation numberString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(numberString, "[e|E][\+\-]").Length=2
let splitByScientificNotation numberString = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(numberString, "[e|E][\+\-]")
let mainNumber = try (splitByScientificNotation srcNumberToTranslate)[0] with |_ -> "NOOO"
let exponentNumber = try (splitByScientificNotation srcNumberToTranslate)[1] with |_ -> "NOOO"
let exponentSign = if srcNumberToTranslate.Contains("-") then "-" else "+"
let makeSureStringHasDecimalOrAddAtEnd (myString:string) =
match System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(myString, "\.").Length
| 1->(myString + ".")
| 2->myString
| _->"0"
let numberWithDecimal=makeSureStringHasDecimalOrAddAtEnd mainNumber
type PaddingNeeded = AddLeadingZeros | MoveDecimalAroundInNumber | AddTrailingZeros
let moveDecimal (originalString:string) moveDirection expNum =
let moveCount=try int(expNum) with |_ ->0
let numSplit = try originalString.Split([|'.'|]) with |_ ->[|"0";"0"|]
let decimalLocation = try originalString.IndexOf(".") with |_-> originalString.Length
let moveRight = if moveDirection = "+" then true else false
let newDecimal = if moveRight then decimalLocation + moveCount else decimalLocation - moveCount
let whatToDo =
match newDecimal
|_ when newDecimal <0 ->(AddLeadingZeros, -1*newDecimal)
|_ when newDecimal >numSplit[1].Length+2 -> (AddTrailingZeros, 1+newDecimal-originalString.Length)
|_ -> (MoveDecimalAroundInNumber,newDecimal)
let explodedNumber =
match whatToDo
| (AddLeadingZeros,n)->"." + String('0',snd whatToDo) + numSplit[0] + numSplit[1]
| (AddTrailingZeros,n)->numSplit[0] + numSplit[1] + String('0',snd whatToDo)
| (MoveDecimalAroundInNumber,n)->""
let superHugeNumberString = moveDecimal (makeSureStringHasDecimalOrAddAtEnd mainNumber) exponentSign exponentNumber
let exponentWalkingDirection = if superHugeNumberString.[0]='.' then -1 else 1
let inputBase = BigInteger.Parse(srcNumberBase)
let temporarySums =
superHugeNumberString |> Seq.mapi(fun i x->
let exponentMultiplier:bigint =
if exponentWalkingDirection = 1
then bigint ( superHugeNumberString.Length-1 - i * exponentWalkingDirection)
else bigint ((i+1)*(-1))
let digitValueMultiplier:bigint = BigInteger.Pow(inputBase,(int)exponentMultiplier)
let digitValue = BigInteger.Parse(string x)
let runningResult = digitValueMultiplier * digitValue
let convertedToBaseTen:bigint = temporarySums |> Seq.sum