2021-10-08 Nerd Roundup! We've had more deep-dive technical nerdy weeks, but I don't think we've had as many programming links to share across a broad range of industries. Also, The Great Pumpkin wants your refrigerator.
2021-10-01 Nerd Roundup Good gracious almighty, this week it's Category Theory, obscure rules of chess, secrets of Autonoetic Consciousness, transparent aluminium, and lots more!
2021-10-01 Nerd Roundup! Good gracious almighty, this week it's Category Theory, obscure rules of chess, secrets of Autonoetic Consciousness, transparent aluminium, and lots more!
Boyd's Management Model No matter what kind of organization you have or want, management doesn't go away. It's something to do and it's a skill and talent that some folks have to develop so that everybody overall can do better. How do you classify those skills?
2021-09-24 Nerd Roundup Tech topics this week included property-based testing, 747s stuffed full of cruise missiles, polygenic testing, fluid solvers, nuclear thermal rockets, and much more.
2021-09-24 Nerd Roundup! Tech topics this week included property-based testing, 747s stuffed full of cruise missiles, polygenic testing, fluid solvers, nuclear thermal rockets, and much more.
2021-09-17 Nerd Roundup What a great Nerd Roundup today! We did some Erlang, Docker, language design, type classes, railguns, and much more. There was also an extra amount of silliness in the news in the past week for some reason