Aristotle 3 of 4 Aristotle was the father of, well, most everything. Let's take a look at what we know about his life
Aristotle 2 of 4 Aristotle was the father of, well, most everything. Let's take a look at what we know about his life
Aristotle 1 of 4 Aristotle was the father of, well, most everything. Let's take a look at what we know about his life
Life Of Plato 4 of 4 Conclusion of our series on the man who invented the famous modeling dough we all love! (grin)
Life Of Plato 2 of 4 Why not learn from the smartest people in history thinking about the most important questions sharing their thoughts in an hour or so? Plato's story continues
Life of Plato 1 of 4 Why not learn from the smartest people in history thinking about the most important questions sharing their thoughts in an hour or so? It's a crime not to do so.