Towards A New Online Ethics

- I do not engage in online conversations which are in essence about whether a person is good or bad
- For issues I am considering which are complex and important, I shun arguments in text, lest I fix my position too early
- The more emotions I feel, the less willing I am to use text to convey them
- I am at ease with being wrong about most things
- I love, forgive, and forget isolated social mistakes. I remember, avoid, and ignore people and online places that reinforce harmful behaviors in themselves and others
- I understand that science and politics play opposite roles in society. Mixing the two up does irreparable harm to both
- It's vastly preferable to be easy to argue with than it is to be able to create good arguments (which, in fact, in many cases may be counterproductive)
I do these things to leave the world a better place than I found it. I look for these things in others to know whether or not they have similar goals

P.S. I first identified a problem with the interaction between technology and social communication back in 2008. It's taken a while, but this is my first attempt at fixing that problem, a personal set of online ethics.