2022-06-03 Nerd Roundup!
Wordle, brains, wifi your fat, AI, Settlers of Catan, and quality time versus quantity time. All that plus Terraform and hidden gold this week.

Fun time, lots of guests, and the roundup went off without a technical hitch! Woot!

The Catan tiles project, shown above, was one in a string of really cool DIY electronic/programming projects we've been talking about over the years.

This should work in iTunes. (This link http://danielbmarkham.com/podcast/rss is a podcast feed) If it doesn't work, here's a direct link to the mp3: 2022-06-03 Nerd Roundup!
Don't Wordle | This makes me sad |
The scaling hypothesis
Nice comments |
This is wrong, but attractive. "Push the turbo button!" is not an answer to every problem, esp in fields where we're actively building things that are designed not to be understood by humans. I like this essay because it's wrong. |
Getting a wireless network under the skin to talk to the brain | This reminds me of that magnet story I read on reddit this week, where the guy had a magnet embedded in his hand. He could feel electriciy and magnets! Could microsopic, tattoo-like dots embedded under the skin be the future? |
Friendships form via shared context, not shared activities | Interesting how this relates to the "parenting is quantity time, not quality time idea"/ Also very related to the concept of Nerd Roundup itself. Could have big impact on teams and orgs, but very difficult to get them to realize this |
Terraform should have remained stateless
Also spawned a very interesting tech discussion on both hn and lobstersz |
We just talked about cross-cloud providers and how too much non-idempotent and scripting activity could totally ruin your day |
In Obscurity
HN discussion |
Once you start being more aware of how your art is being received, it changes who you are and what you create in ways you can't control and many times are quite bad |
FBI records on search for fabled gold raise more questions than answers
FBI docs |
What a hell of a story! |
Knots 3D | I keep wanting to learn more about knots but never can seem to find the time |
Electronic Catan LCD tiles | Must. Have. Cool! |
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