2021-10-29 Nerd Roundup! Fast-booting your Raspberry Pi, OWASP Top Ten security threats, city planning, a new floating point standard, and glass that makes you glow in the dark, all this week on the roundup!
2021-10-22 Nerd Roundup Meta C++ compile-time programming, playin' video games for money, jamming up people who want to record you, Uncle Bob, and getting pigs to give up their organs to you, all here this week on Nerd Roundup
2021-10-22 Nerd Roundup! Meta C++ compile-time programming, playin' video games for money, jamming up people who want to record you, Uncle Bob, and getting pigs to give up their organs to you, all here this week on Nerd Roundup
2021-10-15 Nerd Roundup This week it's the Nobel Prize and how several prizes were about chaos and complexity, Microsoft Research's Orleans, Mamas don't teach your babies to grow up to be programmers, things you can't say on Facebook
2021-10-15 Nerd Roundup! This week it's the Nobel Prize and how several prized were about chaos and complexity, Microsoft Research's Orleans, Mamas don't teach your babies to grow up to be programmers, and things you can't say on Facebook
Feedback Loops Are Bullshit The phrase "feedback loop" is total bullshit. We're all going to have to keep using it anyway. Here's why.
2021-10-08 Nerd Roundup We've had more deep-dive technical nerdy weeks, but I don't think we've had as many programming links to share across a broad range of industries. Also, The Great Pumpkin wants your refrigerator.