Systematizing Destroys Moral Nuance And Makes Us All Infants When we create economic systems that make lots of money doing things with ambiguity that needs addressing, the ambiguity always goes away.
Technology is a Racket Like a boy raised on a farm visiting a town for the first time, things are not as they appear. But instead of encountering such systems once in a month, technology enables us to encounter a hundred separate systems in the hour before breakfast
The Overlords Finally Showed Up After decades of promises, AI has finally leveled up. What does that mean for us?
Technology is a Racket We make a categorical error when talking about how modern technology interacts with society. Until we understand the problem, we'll never make progress towards a solution.
Boyd's Management Model No matter what kind of organization you have or want, management doesn't go away. It's something to do and it's a skill and talent that some folks have to develop so that everybody overall can do better. How do you classify those skills?