2022-02-04 Nerd Roundup C# Desconstruction, wild astrophotography , our right to transact privately, the potential quantum winter, Decision-Centric Warfare, wrestling satellites and more this week on Nerd Roundup!
2022-02-04 Nerd Roundup! C# Desconstruction, wild astrophotography , our right to transact privately, the potential quantum winter, Decision-Centric Warfare, wrestling satellites and more this week on Nerd Roundup!
2022-01-28 Nerd Roundup Did you know that the dinosaurs died in June? That scientists are working on the first programming language for quantum computers? This, spacetime microscopes, and more on this week's Nerd Roundup!
2022-01-28 Nerd Roundup! Did you know that the dinosaurs died in June? That scientists are working on the first programming language for quantum computers? This, spacetime microscopes, and more on this week's Nerd Roundup!