2021-07-16 Nerd Roundup In which Daniel learns that everything he knew about biology is wrong, the Post Office is spying on social media, and bullshit in an organization can be measured
F# Is The Best Coding Language Today If you want to personally pick up a programming language in order to become a better coder in whatever other languages you use, F# is the best overall teaching/coding language you can find.
2021-07-09 Nerd Roundup Shrimp on cocaine, trout on meth, software development on formal methods, riding the hype cycle, and the internet is all one big hallucination, this week on Nerd Roundup!
2021-07-01 Nerd Roundup We may have only talked about one or two links in our list this week, but we had a great time talking about tech, orgs, process, and what makes an ethical and effective consultant.
Life is Standing in Line We lie in wait for the future. Are we preparing for a better one for ourselves and others, or are we just taking up space, flailing along, trying to reach various end-states without paying attention to the little bits of actual minutiae that we own?
2021-06-25 Nerd Roundup Factorio, NATO, John Mcfee, git, dwarfs, and hacking. All here on this week's Nerd Roundup!
2021-06-18 Nerd Roundup How to become a failed internet billionaire, measuring the mass of a minus sign, free classic art, how to properly use SO, and the coming invasion of brown dwarfs in exobiology, all on this week's Nerd Roundup.