2022-05-13 Nerd Roundup! No podcast this week, but we've got a bunch of cool articles with descriptions and links. Some cool coding stuff!
2022-05-06 Nerd Roundup What is the boundary of your application? Does working remotely happen creativity? Sim City for information warfare and more this week on Nerd Roundup!
2022-05-06 Nerd Roundup! What is the boundary of your application? Does working remotely happen creativity? Sim City for information warfare and more this week on Nerd Roundup!
2022-04-29 Nerd Roundup Lunar Lander for the web, the DSM-V, redefining the second, the birth of biocosmology and more this week.
2022-04-29 Nerd Roundup! Lunar Lander for the web, the DSM-V, redefining the second, the birth of biocosmology and more this week.